Dr. Alice Borealis



Main Page

Who played this guy

Other Characters:

Agent #3

Agent #pi

The Guards

Dr. Borealis

Mrs. Poe

The Chief

The Band

Synthetic Folks

In the 1950's, when DNA was new, and special effects movies were stricktly B-Movie fare, a young woman with a gift for creature effects lost a husband and child to a car accident. The result was her increasing obsesion with immortality, the new science of genetics, and cloning. Almost 100 years later another Dr. Borealis continues this obsession in abandoned warehouse laboratories. She has almost perfected a race of symbiotically connected guardian beings, as well as creating tasty new dishes that can feed a family of four. Her evil is matched only by her motherly instincts, making her a Donna Reed gone horribly, horribly wrong.