Agent #3



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Agent #3

Agent #pi

The Guards

Dr. Borealis

Mrs. Poe

The Chief

The Band

Synthetic Folks

A relentlessly rational problem solver, this agent uses a keen wit to reconstruct massive amounts of information from small clues at hand. His skills are constantly honed by his love of topology, puzzles, and advanced mathematics, as well as an interest in music. His intellect and powers of observation are highly trained to discern rational patterns and logical chains of events, but, sadly, the real world is hardly a rational place. His Sherlock Holmes style of deduction usually misses the mark by some degree. But because he stores his failures as fodder for further deductions he can often overpower impossible odds with an encyclopedic knowledge of the chain of events at hand.
 #3's true name and identity are lost to history. We do know that before 2027 when © for Hire incorporated he worked for a secret branch of the U.S. Census. His training there can no doubt account for his powerfull mathematical skills and secretive nature - or perhaps he's just a quiet guy who once had a government job.